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Shrewsbury Youth Soccer


Organization Name

The Shrewsbury Youth Soccer Association, hereafter referred to as SYS is a non-profit organization affiliated with the Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association and the United States Youth Soccer Association (USYSA) and shall adhere to the Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association Constitution is all respects.


To provide a soccer organization to the youth of Shrewsbury promoting participation in the game of soccer and teaching the principles of soccer excellence, sportsmanship, athletic skills, team spirit, character and social interaction.  The ideals of enjoyment, fair play, fun, safety, integrity and honesty will be emphasized through age- and ability-appropriate competition and soccer educational opportunities to enable every member, albeit a player, coach, or referee, of SYS to achieve their personal goals in their selected recreation.

Description and Governing Body

SYS will be responsible for setting policy objectives, providing for game and field scheduling, game rules, officials, equipment, recruiting and training coaches.

The governing body of SYS will be the Executive Board, hereafter referred to as the Board, which shall consist of the following:

Voted in By Existing Board Members (voting):

  • President 
  • Vice President 
  • Secretary 
  • Treasurer
  • Registrar
  • Referee Assignor
  • Website Manager
  • Equipment Manager
  • U10+ Player/Coach Development Director
  • Mini Player/Coach Development Director
  • Field Manager
  • Assistant Field Manager
  • Girls U10 Coordinator
  • Girls U12 Coordinator
  • Girls U14, U16, U18 Coordinator
  • Boys U10 Coordinator
  • Boys U12 Coordinator
  • Boys U14, U16, U18 Coordinator
  • Mixed U5 Coordinator
  • Mixed U6 Coordinator
  • Mixed U7 Coordinator
  • Mixed U8 Coordinator
  • Fund Raising Coordinator
  • MAYS Representative

Voted in By Existing Board Members (non-voting)

  • Game Rescheduling Coordinator
  • CORI Coordinator
  • Immediate Past President

Open Board positions will be voted in at regularly scheduled Board meetings.

Governing Body (Board) - Terms of Office

All Board positions have one-year term limits and after such, any interested individuals may be voted in by the Board to replace an existing and/or open position at regularly scheduled Board meetings.  A majority vote of the Existing Board will determine approval of aforementioned positions.

Board Attendance Policy

A Board Member must attend a minimum of two-thirds of the monthly meetings throughout the year.

Board Decisions

All matters of policy shall be decided by a simple majority vote, except as noted in the FINANCIAL POLICY.

Notice of Meetings

Board meetings will be held on a monthly basis.  Notice to the public will be available on the SYS Website Calendar.

Duties and Responsibilities

The duties and responsibilities of the members of the Board shall be as follows:

President – The President shall officially preside at all meetings; be Chairman of the Board; be the official representative of the SYS; be authorized to sign checks; be responsible for appointing members to all non-elected positions.

Vice President – The Vice President shall succeed to the office and powers of the President in his/her absence, or for the remainder of his/her term if vacated for any reason. In the event of such a vacancy, the Board shall elect a successor to the post of Vice President. He/she shall resolve the Other Grievances as described in the Bylaws, and shall be one of those authorized to sign checks. All CORI management responsibilities.

Secretary – The Secretary shall attend to all correspondence for the SYS, keep detailed minutes of all Board and General Meetings, keep records as necessary and correspond on behalf of the SYS only with the knowledge and permission of the President.

– The Treasurer shall have charge of the finances of the SYS. He/She shall report on the finances at all Board and General Meetings, and shall submit and distribute a full written report of the financial transactions and the status of the finances at the Annual General Meeting. He/She shall be authorized to sign checks.

– The Registrar shall be responsible for managing all registrations, validating all team rosters, collecting CORIforms, and approving all travel permits. Registrar shall be a non-voting position, reporting directly to the President.

Referee Assignor 
– The Referee Assignor shall be responsible for recruiting, training and developing referees to officiate at both in-town and out of town league games. He/She shall also be responsible for scheduling the referees at those games and directing the activities of any subordinates assigned to him/her.

U10+ Coaching & Player Development Director 
– The Coach Director shall be responsible for training and developing quality coaches for the SYS U10+ Age Groups; Contracting, as approved by the Board of Directors, with outside organizations to provide specialized training and education; hire professional coaches when needed; conduct clinics for players and coaches; maintain a database of coaches and their qualifications; aid the Division Directors in their search for qualified coaches; schedule license certification courses and promote the general advancement of coaches within SYS.

Mini Coaching & Player Development Director 
– The Coach Director shall be responsible for training and developing quality coaches for the SYS Mini Age Groups; Contracting, as approved by the Board of Directors, with outside organizations to provide specialized training and education; hire professional coaches when needed; conduct clinics for players and coaches; maintain a database of coaches and their qualifications; aid the Division Directors in their search for qualified coaches; schedule license certification courses and promote the general advancement of coaches within SYS.

Age Group Coordinators 
– The Age Group Coordinators shall have the responsibility for the administration of the affairs of the SYS within their respective divisions; work with the Director of Coaching to select coaches for teams; work with coaches to form teams in both competitive and recreational divisions; settle disputes within their respective area of responsibility; keep the board informed of activities within their divisions; manage the business activities of their divisions.

Equipment Manager 
– The Equipment Manager oversees all activities related to equipment, supplies, merchandise and uniforms for the organization; obtains and controls storage space; maintains adequate records on inventory; sets minimum and maximum inventory levels; selects vendors and products to provide maximum value for the organization; orders equipment, supplies, uniforms as may become necessary from time to time.  He/she is responsible for distributing and collecting equipment, supplies and uniforms to their respective areas of responsibility.

Website Manager 
– The Website Manager shall have the responsibility of designing and maintaining the website to provide current and accurate information to the public.  He/she is responsible for contacting each area of expertise (Board Member) to ensure the site provides the information necessary for our customers and to receive that information on a timely basis.

Fund Raising Coordinator 
– The Fund Raising Coordinator shall have the responsibility of determining and carrying out public awareness programs and fund raising, as agreed upon by the board, to further the SYS and foster soccer in the Town of Shrewsbury. Select and purchase merchandise related to fundraising.

Field Manager 
– The Field Manager will have the responsibility of securing sufficient field space to allow for a full schedule of games for both competitive and recreational activities; schedule practice time; assign home fields; make the final determination as to whether a field is to be used for play or practice due to either schedule, weather, wear or other considerations; works with the Town of Shrewsbury Recreation Department, Shrewsbury Public Schools and private organizations and individuals to secure playing fields; control the inventory, storage and movement of all field equipment and supplies, including, but not limited to, goals, nets, and line painting equipment and supplies; recruit and schedule parent volunteers to help with the maintenance of fields.

Assistant Field Manager 
– The Assistant Field Manager will have the responsibility of assisting the Field Manager, as directed by the Field Manager,  for securing sufficient field space to allow for a full schedule of games for both competitive and recreational activities; schedule practice time; assign home fields; make the final determination as to whether a field is to be used for play or practice due to either schedule, weather, wear or other considerations; works with the Town of Shrewsbury Recreation Department, Shrewsbury Public Schools and private organizations and individuals to secure playing fields; storage and movement of all field equipment and supplies, including, but not limited to, goals, nets, and line painting equipment and supplies; recruit and schedule parent volunteers to help with the maintenance of fields

MAYS Representative 
– The Representative will have the responsibility to attend meetings of the MAYS League and represent the best interests of SYS at those meetings; report monthly on activities of the league and their effect on SYS.

Coach Selection

As mentioned above in the responsibilities of the Age Group Coordinator.  But in the event there are multiple qualified coach’s for a D1 or D2 team, the AGC will bring the situation to the Board and the Board shall seasonally approve team coaches.


A quorum is defined as the majority of the current active Board members. 


Membership in the SYS shall be open to all residents of Shrewsburyas well as those attending a school in Shrewsbury.  If an abutting town does not provide such service, exceptions may be made per the decision of the Board.


The Board shall have the authority to suspend any member of the SYS whose conduct is considered detrimental to the organization.

Financial Policy

Fiscal Year – The fiscal and tax year will both be on a calendar year basis.

Budget – A balanced budget for the forthcoming year shall be prepared by the Treasurer and approved by the Board before the fiscal year.

Major Expenses – Major, non-budgeted expenses over $500 from any individual or corporation shall require approval of the majority of the Board.

Bank Account – All moneys shall be promptly deposited in either a savings or checking account in the SYS name.

Expenses – Bills shall be paid when due. Checks shall be signed by an authorized signer.

Expenditures – Funds shall be spent only in the interest of the SYS.

Disposition of Funds

Should the SYS be dissolved, all funds currently in the treasury will be donated to a recognized 501(c)3 organization.

Other Matters

The Board shall have the power to deal with any matters not explicitly covered by the Bylaws.

Modifications to the Constitution

This Constitution, or any section thereof, may be amended by a majority vote of the Board.

Modifications to the Bylaws

The Bylaws, or any section thereof, may be amended by a majority vote of the Board.

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